Update in 30 Special Offer2

Make the most of this special offer! If you become a 12 month subscriber before the end of the week you will pay less than $13 per edition. Save more than 50% than if you were to buy the podcasts individually. Stay up to date with the latest in integrative nutritional medicine in less than 30 minutes. 

And just so you know what we have in store for you as an Update in Under 30 Subscriber this month: Rachel delves into the “Must knows about Mo”. ‘Molly” seems to have become everyone’s best friend recently, prescribed often in combination with zinc for high copper or ‘sulphur issues”, especially in autism, but what do you really need to know about this trace element? How strong is the evidence for its clinical use, how likely is a deficiency, what are the key signs of inadequate levels and importantly what are the risks associated with too much? – new evidence points to some cause for concern and caution. In this timely update Rachel talks Molybdenum literally from the ground up…to the supplements on your shelf and the absolute must knows for every clinician.

Stay tuned for yet another juicy podcast to be released at the end of May, where Rachel does all the research for you and brings you the key clinical practice pearls in Under 30! 🙂

Are you new to Update in Under 30? Did you know you can look through the back catalogue and purchase them individually? These include ones that provide you with actual clinic handouts and other downloadable tools such as: Ten Top Tips for Accurate Blood Tests (includes a Pathology Testing – Patient Support Questionnaire) , ‘Dear Doctor – tips on letter writing’ (includes a referral letter template) and ‘Taking Care Down There’, all about thorough investigation and evidence based treatment for the vaginal microbiome (includes a patient instruction handout regarding how to administer intra-vaginal lactulose). Listen to these incredible clinical updates and make the most of the time-saving clinical tools that have been shared with you.