Update in Under 30 – Your Top 10 Investigations in Mental Health Patients (≤30 min audio)

$37.50 excluding GST

Our understanding of the potential biological/chemical drivers behind mental illness has grown enormously in the last decade & we have an increasing number of markers we can assess to better understand these & identify the best therapeutic approach.  Rather than requesting ‘one of everything’ though, we need to know which are the most accurate tests on offer and target the ones with the greatest impact on our clinical decision making about each individual patient.  This is Rachel’s top ten complete with ideal reference ranges and ‘what next?’ pointers as well.

Available as Audio streaming and PDF notes.




Top 10 Investigations In Mental Health Patients

Our understanding of the potential biological/chemical drivers behind mental illness has grown enormously in the last decade & we have an increasing number of markers we can assess to better understand these & identify the best therapeutic approach.  Rather than requesting ‘one of everything’ though, we need to know which are the most accurate tests on offer and target the ones with the greatest impact on our clinical decision making about each individual patient.  This is Rachel’s top ten complete with ideal reference ranges and ‘what next?’ pointers as well.

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