You might have heard me talk about using an ‘upstream’ rather than ‘downstream’ approach in nutrition – the concept is very naturopathic… look at the water source and address things there rather than just tweak things downriver! One of the most important upstream influences on patient health & wellbeing I can think of is systemic pH – the body’s constant struggle to neutralise its overwhelmingly acidic input, which comes from both metabolism, inflammation, stress and of course unbalanced diets.

 It’s a war out there and most of our patients aren’t winning! 

When you start to get into the detail about how acid base balance profoundly effects things like our pain perception, immune activation, stress hormones, musculoskeletal function etc. etc., it starts to become crystal clear that when we ‘see’ excess acidity in our patients – this really is one of the first things that should be addressed.  By doing this and observing the positive ripple effect that follows, we are then likely to be in position whereby our patients need less other interventions or additional treatments carry greater efficacy.  This has certainly been my experience and something very exciting that I’ve observed with clients over the past couple of years in particular.  It’s like there should be a big arrow that points to the markers of acidity and says…START HERE! 🙂

I’ve just recorded a short audio on this topic which covers accurate assessment of acidity as well as all the glorious detail about why it’s so critical and how to effectively address it.  Click here to check it out: