Update in Under 30 – Ten Quick Tips on Identifying High Oestrogen & the Causes (≤30 min audio)

$37.50 excluding GST

Often female patients present with health problems that don’t directly scream, “high oestrogen!” but their condition absolutely could be being compounded by this background imbalance – think thyroid & other autoimmune conditions for example. In this Update Rachel brings together her 10 quick tips on how to recognise either high oestrogen and/or the potential underpinning reason behind the excess, in a range of easily accessible markers.  A great refresher and synthesis of ideas on this important aspect of diagnosis and clinical management.

Available as Audio streaming and PDF notes.


Often female patients present with health problems that don’t directly scream, “high oestrogen!” but their condition absolutely could be being compounded by this background imbalance – think thyroid & other autoimmune conditions for example. In this Update Rachel brings together her 10 quick tips on how to recognise either high oestrogen and/or the potential underpinning reason behind the excess, in a range of easily accessible markers.  A great refresher and synthesis of ideas on this important aspect of diagnosis and clinical management.

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