Just as optimal integration of lab results into our patient work-ups makes ‘the invisible visible’ we thought we might make visible some of the everyday Q & A that we engage in with wonderful practitioners who are fast becoming Diagnostic Divas & Divos.

Practitioner: I am currently doing the MasterCourse I & loving it! I just want to clarify time-frames for change with respect to high liver enzymes e.g. male client has made awesome diet changes & lost about 10kg over 12 weeks but I’m slightly disappointed some of his markers are still high.  You’ve said that most liver enzymes have a half-life between 2-10 days so, I guess it just takes more time to repair any damage/reduce fatty filtration of liver and ALT reducing by 10 is great and with the weight off and healthy eating it will continue to decrease?

Rachel: This is a great question you ask and one worth clarifying:

  • So the half-life of the LFTs is most meaningful with respect to a transient effect or artefact – raised GGT with drinking EtoH or raised AST/ ALT post strenuous exercise – this aids us in recognising the ‘window’ to allow for normalisation following a time-specific event/action or interference
  • But when raised levels reflect chronic change/pathology/or a pathophysiological process, at the very least – of course, it is no longer about how long that enzyme remains in the b/stream but about the time it takes to turn this unhealthy state of the liver around.  I know you know this because you basically answered your own question🤓💪  I would say you are making GREAT progress with this patient not only by the reduction in ALT (and corresponding increase in De Ritis ratio) but also by the impressive drop in triglycerides and GGT!

The primary objective of MasterCourse I is to realise the true value we can extract from the most commonly performed labs (ELFTs, FBE, WCC, Lipids & Glucose) which constitute the largest biochemical dataset we have on almost every patient. By learning how to comprehensively interpret these labs in an integrated medical framework, using the very latest science, we can extract the gold often buried in this goldmine.  Accordingly, we prove ourselves to be the greatest asset to our patients, to other health professionals we are sharing care of patients with and we cut the cost of additional expensive testing, that is less well understood and validated.

MasterCourse I will help you access that gold and has been intentionally designed to match each lesson with real learning– with the time spent in theory and in application.  Delivered across 24+ hrs of streaming video sessions with bonus pre-sessions, audios, resources and tools – this MasterCourse is likely to be a genuine game-changer for the way you practise and the potency of your patient prescriptions.

  • 6 sessions of online learning video presentations (total 24+hours)
  • Rachel provides you with questions, mini-assessments & lots of opportunities for case study application, testing your comprehension & understanding as you go.
  • Included BONUS preparatory videos: Patient Pathology Manager + Accurate Pathology Interpretation Starts Here!
  • Included BONUS audios, notes, desktop resources and templates you can use in your clinic with your own patients.
  • You get to keep all content in your online account forever and replay as often as you like.