About Rachel

“Highly professional, thoroughly researched, relevant to clinical practice –
her insights have certainly been a help already to many patients in my practice.”

DR WILLIAM FERGUSON | General Practitioner, New Zealand

With over 30 years of experience in the clinic and the ‘classroom’ as one of the top practitioners and educators in integrative nutrition and health, Rachel Arthur has attracted a large following of clinicians who value her outstanding independent, unbiased education and leadership.

With a particular interest and highly developed skill-set in diagnostics, Rachel is particularly known for developing this in others – from scratch or by rapidly growing their existing knowledge base. Rather than always reaching for expensive, pay out of pocket functional testing, Rachel opens up a new world for many, by maximising the insights and understanding practitioners can obtain from mainstream pathology results for each patient.  

In this way, she endeavours to truly build the bridge we can all walk across that connects mainstream medicine and naturopathy, nutrition and integrative health.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Rachel is one of the most outstanding clinicians of our time. Her knowledge of nutritional biochemistry and its clinical application is exceptional, and her authentically inquisitive teaching style is second to none. She’s always just a little ahead of the curve with trends and education concepts: her knowledge is extensive and her recommendations practical and firmly grounded in experience. I’ve been fortunate enough to have Rachel’s guidance – both as a Clinical mentor and Business mentor – over the past several years. During this time my respect for her has amplified exponentially. There is no-one I could recommend more highly. Rachel’s input to my own growth has contributed significantly to my success plus my personal enjoyment of my career, and I am a better clinician for having chosen her as my Mentor. “

TABITHA McINTOSH | Naturopath & Clinical Nutritionist, Sydney

Doctors, Naturopaths, Nutritionist and health practitioners of all persuasions access Rachel’s teaching and support via a multitude of platforms:

  • Monthly Podcasts:
    Update in Under 30 Subscription
  • Group Mentoring:
    Rachel Arthur Mentoring Program (RAMP)
  • Extensive Resource Library:
    Audios, Audiovisuals, PDF Notes
  • Live Appearances:
    Frequently asked to speak at the major integrative health conferences in Australia and overseas, such as ACNEM, AIMA, ASLM, MINDD
  • Contributing Author:
    In seminal texts including all 4 editions of the award-winning:  Herbs & Natural Supplements – An Evidence Based Guide (Elsevier) and both editions of Clinical Naturopathic Medicine (Elsevier)
As an internationally sought-after presenter and educator, her capacity to keep audiences engaged, stimulated and inspired, while maximising each learning opportunity is renowned. Rachel possesses a wealth of knowledge, accumulated over 20 years through conscientious attention to research and her ongoing clinical experience, which she enthusiastically shares. Essentially, she has a knack for translating complex medical concepts into something every practitioner can understand and apply to improve their practice and patient outcomes  today.


“For busy practitioners trying to keep abreast of the latest research and apply it into practice, Rachel’s Updates in Under 30 are just gold. They are detailed yet succinct, clinically relevant, and easy to listen to and absorb. Highly recommended”.”

DR LIZ STRINGER | General Practitioner, Queensland