Integrative Nutrition Education

Online Courses and Resources for all Health Professionals

Online Diagnostics Course

This skillset is a real ‘game-changer’ for practitioners.

The Nutrient Prescriber's Program

This NEW Mentoring Group for 2024 will build your confidence to navigate each individual prescription.

The RAN Student & New Graduate Hub

will give you a serious advantage, helping you to grow as a professional and take the edge off being a newbie!

Just Released

Our latest edition to our growing Update in Under 30 Library!

New Graduate Group Mentoring

We’ve got just the thing to uncover your naturopathic super-powers…

Get Plugged In!

Keep abreast of the latest must-knows in Integrative Nutritional Medicine every month…

Rachel Arthur's Blog


Group Mentoring for all Health Professionals

“Group Mentoring has exceeded all my expectations.
I can’t thank you and the whole team enough for providing such a
wealth of knowledge and experience. Seriously priceless”  

A free video for your clients...

How would nutrition
improve your mental health?

MasterCourse I

This self-paced online comprehensive course will help you to build on your current pathology interpretation knowledge and show you the very latest (& greatest!) in routine lab result interpretation.

MasterCourse II

Revolutionise your understanding of thyroid, adrenal, HPT & HPA markers using the latest research & marry these together with everything you learned in MasterCourse I to understand the ‘whole story’.

Integrative Medicine Audios

Update in Under 30 Subscription

Keep abreast of the latest must-knows in integrative medicine by giving yourself access to this great online resource library of over 100+ episodes and start heading towards your loyalty rewards savings.

The Nutrient Prescriber's Program

Rachel has recognised a need for an educational program that provides practitioners with more structure, more science, and therefore more certainty in navigating each individual prescription.

New Graduate Mentoring Program

Designed to help anyone who wants support transitioning from Student to Naturopathic or Nutrition Practitioner Superstar! Or needs to re-discover their confidence and competency in the clinic.

Cracking the Case Group Mentoring

Benefit from Rachel’s extensive experience in clinic and mentoring, and have your questions answered as you work through real-life cases, covering diagnostics, prescriptions and content-specific learning.

Student Pathology Hub

Rachel has dug into her enormous library of teaching tools and resources and curated this content to reflect the most essential elements, to help you hit the ground running, in the shortest period of time.

Online Courses & Webinars

Check out our self-paced online courses for you to start anytime. Course content stays indefinitely in your online account for your to access and use as a valuable resouce in your practice.

Latest Releases

Check out the latest releases in Update in Under 30 audios, video presentatoins and courses that provide clinically relevant information on the latest research and must-knows in integrative medicine.

Free Video Presentations

Introduction to Nutritional Psychiatry

Rachel is keen to share her expertise on how nutrition impacts our mental health and is intent on educating people through this free presentation. This video is an introduction to Nutritional Psychiatry. It is especially beneficial for integrative health practitioners and people working in mental health related industries. We encourage you to use this ‘visual’ presentation to educate your clients by giving them this link click here to find out more and if you would like to receive a digital copy to add it to your website or other online platforms.

The Power & Place of Integrative Medicine

As integrative health practitioners, regardless of the tools of our trade, we empower people and advocate for those that don’t feel powerful with respect to their health and well-being. We are compassionate and empathic, ‘alternative thinkers’ and notoriously dogged diagnostic detectives.  This talk aims to remind us about our true super-powers. These distinguish us from other health professionals and service providers and are in greater demand than ever before, during this time of significant planetary and population change and challenge.

“For busy practitioners trying to keep abreast of the latest research and apply it into practice, Rachel’s Updates in Under 30 are just gold. They are detailed yet succinct, clinically relevant, and easy to listen to and absorb. Highly recommended”.

Dr Liz Stringer, GP | Update in Under 30 Subscriptions

“ I love your updates in under 30 – really directed at what practitioners want and need to know. There seems to be so much information and commentary about every aspect of nutrition, health and wellbeing. It’s easy to become so overwhelmed with the volume.”

Carolyn Cudmore, Nutritional Consultant | UU30 Subscription

“This year I have had the good fortune to be a mentee with Rachel in her mental health basics and her pathology course. Both of them have been amazing.  I have got so much out of the teaching, and have been able to put it to good use. The information and confidence I have gained from both courses have really taken my patients health outcomes to a whole new level.”

Raewyn Richardson, Integrative Pharmacist, NZ | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

“Just wanted to say thank you for the fantastic zoom session this morning. It has reassured me that I am heading in the right direction every time I think “I wonder…?” I now have a structure to follow that will help me to procrastinate less and investigate with more confidence. An absolute gift. Thank you”

Carolyn Ellaway, Nutrition | Group Mentoring

I just can’t thank you enough for how you have helped me develop as a practitioner. Your training has been my constant companion and I love that you are continually training me to ask, ask, ask…why, why, why!!!  Today I sit here with a full clinical practice, more patients that I could ever need. My results continue to improve but most of all, I realise I have so much more to learn! But this excites me. You have helped me to achieve this.

– Amanda Mullmeister, Naturopath | Group Mentoring

“I just wanted to say how much I enjoy the Mental Health Mentoring sessions.  What I get out of these sessions is so easily applied to the work I undertake with my clients. Without a doubt, it has given me the confidence to really map out where we are going and how we are going to do it. In short – it is awesome and I am incredibly grateful.”

– Chris Hibbert, Naturopath | Mental Health Group Mentoring

“I am so happy my younger graduate Naturopath self had the insight to invest further in my knowledge and skill set and join RAN mentoring. As a baby naturopath of just over 5 year clinical experience, I have been able to grow my confidence in my clinical skills at an exponential rate thanks to mentoring.”

Tess Doig, Naturopath | Group Mentoring

“It takes me exactly 30 minutes (give or take Melbourne traffic) to get from home to work and my favourite drive is when the latest RAN UU30 podcast comes out. Usually I have to listen again when I arrive so I can scribble notes down to remember the Aha moments that invariably leave me wishing I was at a traffic light with a pen…

Charmaine Dennis, Naturopath & Founding Director of Fertile Groud Health Group | UU30 Subscription

“I listened to your podcast on iron a little while ago and was really interested to give the alternate day dosing you recommended a try as I do find some pregnant women struggle to get their iron levels up especially in the second half of their pregnancy. Anyway I’ve just had my first patient back whom I have changed to alternate day dosing and it is bloody brilliant! Thanks for the tip!

Tina Jenkins, Naturopath | UU30 Subscription

“ I am applying this new skillset and walking a new diagnostic path with my patients using a schematic connecting the results and identifying the causes of their probable underlying symptoms to disease. Thank you Rachel for your copious amounts of research and your ability to passionately engage the learner. I LOVED the way I could learn with no timeline and boundaries to finish.”

Melinda Stephan, Naturopath | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

“Thank you so much for this course, it has been brilliant. It has ‘fuelled my practice’ and many people have benefited already – from such insights. It’s quite thrilling!!!

I’ll definitely be signing up for the second course later this year.”

Angela Haldane, Naturopath & Medical Herbalist, NZ | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

“I just wanted to let you know that I LOVE the podcasts! These are by far the easiest way for a clinic owning naturopathic mum of young kids to stay fit AND brainy! I went for my first run since before I was pregnant and I ran 5km with ease, whilst listening to your update on H Pylori. Thanks so much, effective multitasking has never been so enjoyable. 

Sophie Lorback, Naturopath | UU30 Subscription

“I thought my pathology skills were pretty up there until I did Rachel’s Diagnostic MasterCourse!  Nothing like being knocked off my perch by a literal avalanche of new information, especially when it comes from the most common tests that we all use so often.  The course has been a fantastic learning opportunity for me, and has since helped me pick out many intricacies in cases that have previously been missed.”

Rohan Smith, Clinical Nutritionist | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

“You absolutely delivered! I knew that there would be some clinical pearls at least, but I did not expect to get such a comprehensive exploration of the theory behind basic pathology tests. I am so impressed with not only your analytical mind and ability to explain how things connect and where they fit into a vast pathology mural, but your ability to convey the concepts clearly and create presentations that facilitate absorption of the information rather than simply dazzling the learner with an abundance of information.

Alyssa Tait, Physiotherapist, Clinical Nutritionist, Naturopath | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

“Rachel introduced me to “clinical diagnostics” in 2013 in her mentoring program.  Learning how to correctly interpret and explore pathology and the subsequent clinical application has significantly improved my clinical skills and has been crucial in terms of improving client outcomes. As a bonus, I also found it added a whole new level of enjoyment to my casework. Rachel’s understanding of nutritional biochemistry, pathophysiology and diagnostics is outstanding, and she has the unique ability to deliver the information in a way that is easy to comprehend and implement. Rachael is a fiend for knowledge, and hence keeps abreast of the latest research, sharing constant updates.  I will be forever grateful. This has been by far, my most valuable resource.”

Claudia Bernardi, Naturopath | MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics


Are Minerals Messing With You?

Are Minerals Messing With You?

Ever feel like you're trying to improve people's mineral levels but you're not getting the results you should?  Does it seem that despite making good product choices and doses, there's something that keeps derailing or rerouting where these minerals end up? It could be you're doing battle with what I call, rigorous and relentless regulation. As...

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When Things Get Personal

When Things Get Personal

Isn't it always the case that when something takes on personal significance - 'we' give it more attention?  Whether that 'we' is a country, a group of researchers, a practitioner or a patient.   Let me explain... 🌍Denmark, among many other European countries, I love your hyperfocus! Having regulated Nickel content of certain consumer...

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Activated Charcoal Anyone?!

Activated Charcoal Anyone?!

Back when I used to go to parties, I remember the kind of things that got passed around 🤐 but these days the nature of the shared-substance has changed... Activated charcoal, anyone?!😶  Sure this says a lot about me and even more about the kind of people I hang out with...others also full of gas?!!😁 But seriously...would...

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