Pathways for Students and New Graduates

If you’re a student or recent new graduate of Naturopathy, Nutrition and Herbal Medicine
or a qualified practitioner returning after an extended break in practice…


There are many great courses and resources on this website, so we’ve designed suggested pathways to make life easier and help you hit the ground running as you start seeing patients, and turbo-charge your growth as a clinician



RAN Student Pathology Hub

Tools created and road-tested by the best most experienced clinicians!

Being a practitioner who is able to read labs will set you apart in practice! We have curated the content and spread it across 12 modules which can be consumed as monthly instalments or, as an all-in-one experience for those wishing to waste no time. Includes 7+ hours of audio and video teaching points, tips and tools plus bonus products. All resources are downloadable for you to keep for a lifetime!

Now you’ve got a good foundation from the Student Pathology Hub

there are two ways you can continue to grow from here…


Join Rachel and an online community!


Self-Paced Learning with Clinic Basics!

New Graduate Group Mentoring

9 online sessions with Rachel.
Each session is a min of 2.5-3hrs.
You get to keep 22+ hours of video presentations,
Patient Pathology Manager and resources.
Plus a bonus RAN online store 30% discount
voucher to use whilst you’re a RAN mentee


Boost your confidence
with this online community,
gap-fill your undergraduate
training and get the
support needed to
transition to clinical practice.

Clinic Kickstarter

You get access to over 5 hours of video presentations.
Includes resources and presentations on
Mindmaps & Timelines,
Accurate Pathology Starts Here,
Patient Pathology Manager,
Dear Doctor – Upskilling in Referral Writing
& Interprofessional Communications.


With self-directed online
learning, build better systems
for your practice for patient
information collation and
Access these core teachings
over and over again.
With your new confidence,
focus on building on your
diagnostic skills with MasterCourse:
Comprehensive Diagnostics
Continue the community
support and mentoring with Rachel by moving into real cases with
Cracking the Case

or answer those ‘never answered anywhere’ questions with
The Nutrient Prescriber’s Program
Still feel like a newbie?
Gain confiidence, structure and community support with
New Graduate Group Mentoring
You’ve been practising
for a year and see the value in mentoring with Rachel on real cases.
Consider joining
Cracking the Case
or answer those ‘never answered anywhere’ questions with
The Nutrient Prescriber’s Program
With your new confidence, focus on building on your diagnostic skills with
MasterCourse: Comprehensive Diagnostics

Cracking the Case Group Mentoring

Cracking the Case Group Mentoring looks at real client cases. It provides a high level of applied knowledge, an incredible Basecamp platform for communication, support between sessions, and our ongoing sharing of pearls of knowledge from Rachel’s 22+ years of experience and research together with the collective wisdom and know-how of each group.

Meet monthly for 5 months and access resources, a RAN Store 30% discount voucher to use multiple times whilst a mentee, plus you get to keep video recordings of each session.


The Nutrient Prescriber's Program Group Mentoring

With over a decade of mentoring practitioners, Rachel has recognised a need for an educational program that provides practitioners with more structure, more science, and therefore more certainty in navigating each individual prescription.

Meet monthly for 5 months and access resources, a RAN Store 30% discount voucher to use multiple times whilst a mentee, plus you get to keep video recordings of each session.



MasterCourse I: Comprehensive Diagnostics

This really is the most seminal training we offer, taking the time to dig deep into the science behind all the ‘signposts’ our patients’ results are pointing to. A big commitment for a big reward. It comprehensively covers all the routine labs you will see everyday:  LFTs, Renal markers, Glucose and Lipids, FBE & WCCs & is loaded up with case illustrations for each key pathology pattern – that many practitioners say was an absolute highlight


  • 6 sessions of online learning video presentations (total 24+hours)
  • Rachel provides you with questions, mini-assessments & lots of opportunities for case study application, testing your comprehension & understanding as you go.
  • Included BONUS preparatory videos, audios, notes, desktop resources and templates you can use in your clinic with your own patients.
  • You get to keep all content in your online account forever, and replay as often as you like.

Here is what other’s have to say about these great offerings…

Georgie Stephens on New Graduates Mentoring

“I went from nervous newbie to confident and capable practitioner in 1 year”

Kristen Ellis on New Graduates Mentoring

“Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for everything you’ve done this year. The new graduate course was extremely beneficial and has given me the confidence boost and kickstart I need.

I’m sure this isn’t the end of my journey with you guys, but just wanted to say a big thank you and show my appreciation for the time and effort you put in.”

Tammy Shemesh on New Graduates Mentoring

“I wanted to say how grateful I am for this programme and how much it’s informing my practice.  After the last session I felt overwhelmed how I would put what was discussed into practice, but once I remembered just to focus on the therapeutic relationship everything changed.”

Emma Gardiner on New Graduates Mentoring

“Just wanted to say a huge thank you for everything you have done over the last year during the grad mentoring programme.  It has been such a great experience and absolutely the best professional development investment I’ve made. (Have been singing your praises to all the final year students!)”

Larissa Gilroy on Group Mentoring

“Thank you for all the information you provided in yesterday’s session.  I’m a first year out of college naturopath and I have found your mentoring to be absolutely invaluable.  My confidence in treating clients is greater and my understanding of the whole picture has enabled me to formulate beneficial treatment plans and prescriptions and as a result I have had some great results.”

Micaela Monteiro-Haig on Group Mentoring

“I truly feel so fortunate to be a part of this group.  I have found it to be invaluable and a very wise investment for my practice.”

Nancy Demuynck on MasterCourse I

“The mentoring I have taken on with Rachel has been life changing for my business.  Her mentoring was at another level of university.  It is the real world.  Keen to take on the next year Alumni course. Thanks.”

Loani McGarry on MasterCourse I

“This pathology course is one of the best external learning courses I have ever done!  So informative, delivered succinctly and always entertaining – light bulb moments going off the way my kids treat our light switches!”

Create your own path and purchase the individual resources you need!

Integrative Medicine Audios

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Rachel’s blogs are jam packed full of good information on research and what is happening in our industry.

When you become a subscriber you also get notified of the latest new offerings from Rachel as soon as they are released.

You can scroll through the latest posts here >>


When Your Gut Kicks Your Kidney 🦵

These days it's all about who you know right?  So if we applied that same mindset to rating and ranking our organs then the kidneys would've amassed the largest number of followers, 'top fan badges', likes, watches, you name it.  The kidneys are nothing if not...

I’m Having A ‘Mutual Moment’

I know you haven't heard a lot from me of late. 📢 I repeat I been BUSY📢 . Anyone currently undertaking our Nutrient Prescriber's Program this year or Cracking the Case Series will vouch for that and fill you in on the insanely dynamic details!! But...

Are Our Kidney Conversations Constrained By ‘Cause’?

It's so wonderful to know kidney health is moving address. From the darkest bits at the back, now to the front of our clever clinical minds.  We're easy to impress when it comes to any 'axis' - gut-brain, brain-immune etc. so we all need to take a moment and take note...

The Polyphenol Prescription For Excess Iron

Do you realise we're often giving our patients Crabs?  Stay with me 🙄 We're all BIG fans of polyphenols right, but did you know that one of the key ways they qualify as antioxidants is that they chelate metals?   Chemically speaking that means that polyphenols...

Boron: A Victim Of Identity Theft 🦹‍♂️

It's no secret I am in the midst of some serious deep-diving through the micronutrient evidence base & at a depth of about 30 metres I struck Boron!  Don't yawn! I saw that.  Thinking, 'boring', when we hear, 'Boron', is almost as bankable as watching everyone...

The Microbiota🦠Universe Explodes…Some More

Still.  And yes - like you - I don't see any slowing down any time soon in this extraordinary paradigm shift occurring in medicine and health. Which for us humans involves one humbling discovery after another. Here we were thinking we made our dietary choices from a...

ZoomZoom Goes the Zinc Zeitgeist

I'm such a sucker for marketing!...ZoomZoom is from an old Australian car ad - an earworm clearly conveying ' the speed of something', and let me tell you, totally fitting for this little Zinc tale I'm about to tell! Many years ago, I wrote a thesis on Zinc that...

And A Very Menopausal Christmas To You!

Wow, menopause is really having a moment, isn't it? Or is that just me (and my mates who are all somewhere on that perimenopausal path)?! But seriously, medical perception of this reproductive transition is undergoing a revolution right now—widening the lens to take...

A Diagnosis of Inclusion for all Women 35-65?

Any steps towards inclusivity in societal & cultural terms are cause for celebration but in medicine, that can come in the form of a 'diagnosis of inclusion', the opposite, of course, of a 'diagnosis of exclusion' and potentially as slippery and loose as it...

Is Our Education At Risk Of A Being An Echo Chamber

Recently I asked practitioners to tell me where the 'therapeutic reference range' many of us were taught for nutrients comes from & no one has been able to answer that.🙄 If you've heard me refer to my original naturopathic education before you'll know I...

Unmasking Hyperparathyroidism: The Dark Side of a Superhero Second Messenger

Let's play a word association game of minerals & their major roles I say, 'Potassium'. Maybe you say, 'Sodium Potassium Pump' I say, 'Magnesium'. You say, 'Muscles?' I say, 'Calcium'. You say, "Bones'.... But I say, Second Messenger. And arguably the most...

🔔🔔Round 2: Generalist V Specialist

  Current New Graduate Mentee: Kelly Allan giving her elevator introduction in a recent New Grad mentoring session The fabulous Nina,...