Update In Under 30

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The latest in Integrative Nutritional Medicine in less than 30 minutes every month!

I wanted to let you know how much I’m enjoying your “Update in under 30” podcasts. I only found out about your website a few months ago and I’m so pleased I did!  I have learnt a fortune from you and I absolutely love your intelligent, questioning mind as well as your exuberance and passion to ‘spread the word’ and share your knowledge. You leave no stone unturned – which is wonderful for someone like me who usually has a whole of of questions after listening to a lecture!

JOANNE LIPINSKI  |  Naturopath & Pharmacist

Integrative Medicine Audios

Update and Under 30 streamed monthly audios and resources keep you up to date with the latest ‘must-knows’ in integrative medicine, covering a wide variety of topics from diagnostics to diet, all through the lens of an integrative health model.

Every month each new episode will provide you with a quick scientific review with ‘clinic-ready’ practice tips, in under 30 minutes. In addition, the subscription gives you access to the ENTIRE back catalogue of UU30 audios that have been released…that’s over 100 episodes!

The latest research and non-biased education at your fingertips…


  • Access the ENTIRE back catalogue of over 100 UU30 episodes

  • A new episode automatically appears in your online account every month.

  • Each 30 minute episode focuses on one key issue so that you don’t have to trawl through all the primary evidence yourself.

  • Online streaming audios with downloadable resources and papers

  • Varied topics include: Supplements & Strategies, Pathology Interpretation, Practice Tools, Nutritional Biochemistry

  • Become a regular subscriber to be eligible for our RAN UU30 Loyalty Rewards*

  • Every new episode released during your subscription stays in your account forever**

  • Uninterrupted access to the UU30 library with the option to ‘opt-out’ any time***

It takes me exactly 30 minutes (give or take Melbourne traffic) to get from home to work and my favourite drive is when the latest RA UU30 podcast comes out. Usually I have to listen again when I arrive so I can scribble notes down to remember the Aha moments that invariably leave me wishing I was at a traffic light with a pen… 


Rachel, I am continually inspired by your dedication to the naturopathic profession and so grateful for the information you so generously share. Your contribution is unique and invaluable. Your enthusiastic passion for everything you present is contagious and leaves me loving what we do more and more each time I see or hear you speak.

CHARMAINE DENNIS  |  Founding Director & Naturopath at Fertile Ground Health Group

Here is your FREE sample of an Update in Under 30’s…


Getting to the Guts of Women with Joint Pain

There’s a significant increase in the number of women in their 20s to 50s presenting with ‘atypical’ joint pain, that seems hard for specialists to diagnose and therefore, hard for any of us to know how best to treat. If we listen closely to these patients, however, they are often telling us that their, ‘gut isn’t right’. It doesn’t tend to grab so much attention, but maybe it should! We examine 3 ‘atypical’ arthropathies that can have GIT symptoms and arguably may represent a key driver of their joint pain. The different clinical pictures & targeted investigations for these big 3 together with some key papers are covered in this audio.

Getting to the Guts of Women with Joint Pain

by Rachel Arthur | Update in Under 30 Subscription

Become a subscriber to access the latest releases...


Another reason to subscribe… 

You can search the entire catalogue and with no need to purchase them individually. These include ones that provide you with actual clinic handouts and other downloadable tools such as: Ten Top Tips for Accurate Blood Tests (includes a Pathology Testing – Patient Support Questionnaire) , ‘Dear Doctor – tips on letter writing’ (includes a referral letter template), ‘So you think you know how to read Iron Studies?’ and the famous ‘Gilbert’s Girls’, ‘Histamine Imbalance in Mental Health’ and the very popular ‘Chronic Threadworm’. Listen to these incredible clinical updates anytime and make the most of the time-saving clinical tools that are shared with you.

RAN UU30 Loyalty Rewards: How does it work?

When you’ve been an UU30 Subscriber for 2 years, whether it’s a consecutive 2 years or not, you will be eligible for the following savings on your subscription:
Renew after 2 years receive 20% off – Save $47.90 for 12 months you pay $191.20
Renew after 3 years receive 30% off – Save $71.70 for 12 months you pay $167.30
Renew after 4 years receive 40% off – Save $95.60 for 12 months you pay $143.40
Renew after 5 years receive 50% off – Save $119.50 for 12 months you pay $119.50
Note: All prices are ex GST
And every year after 5 years the 50% discount will continue and this half price subscription will be equivalent to paying less than $10 per episode released during the 12 months (normally $37.50). Remember, each episode that is released during your subscription will stay forever in your account.
For busy practitioners trying to keep abreast of the latest research and apply it into practice, Rachel’s Updates in Under 30 are just gold. They are detailed yet succinct, clinically relevant, and easy to listen to and absorb. Highly recommended

DR LIZ STRINGER  |  General Practitioner

Let’s get you plugged in…

…and keep abreast of the latest must-knows in integrative medicine

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UU30 Subscriptions are for 30 minute UU30 episodes only.
*To become eligible for RAN Loyalty Rewards, you must have been an UU30 Subscriber for 2 full years.
**If your Subscription expires, you no longer have access to the full UU30 library, only the ones released during your subscription.
***Subscriptions automatically renew every 12 months. You can opt-out any time and you will still get your full years worth of access until the expiry date. Please note: there is no refund if you opt-out early. Please see our FAQ for details on how to opt-out.