Remember the good old days when we understood everything about food allergies and life was simple?  IgE was the culprit – short and sweet – which made patient assessment (SPT) & management (never eat this again, never feed it to your infants if you don’t won’t them to develop the same health issues and never doubt that it will never be an option for you to consume it) real tidy. What’s that thing about never say never?

It hasn’t escaped our attention that the so-called rule-book on food allergies appears to have been shredded, set on fire and then eaten by someone not suffering from an ash allergy, in the last few years.  Now, we’re told that many of these truisms…weren’t just a little, but a lot, wrong and in some instances have lead to the further escalation of adverse food reactions that we’re now facing.

So what else did we get wrong?  Well in the good ol’ days we were also informed that there was no role for IgG antibodies in immune mediated food reactions and that of course there was no interplay between the IgG system and say mast cells…right???!!!!  Want to get up to speed on the real story on how IgG is involved in well book yourself a ticket and strap yourself in because there is loads to learn in addition to a whole new way of thinking about food allergies and intolerances!

As clinicians there is perhaps no more complex a labyrinth than the correct diagnosis of adverse food reactions. In part, this is because of the multitude of potential mechanisms driving them. However, the long lag time between radical-re-writes in immunology and reciprocal changes to mainstream medicine’s approach & understanding, has marginalised our views, planted seeds of disbelief & stymied our progress in diagnosis and management.

This upcoming seminar presents a scientific summary regarding IgG mediated food reactions, their validity, their correct assessment & their meaningfulness and along the way…it will introduce you to the ‘even better’ new days, where the lid has been lifted on what we kind of suspected was going on all along!

Immune Mediated Food Reactions – What’s IgG got to do with it?

It all starts in Sydney on February 16, Melbourne on February 23 and Brisbane on March 2.
Email [email protected] to confirm your place.

I hope you’ll join me at the IgG Food Intolerance Workshop.
For more details download the flyer here for more details.


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