There’s a bit of a backstory – play along at home if you want – by ticking off the steps in this journey we have travelled together! 😂

14 years ago I was first asked to contribute to ACNEM’s thyroid training module
9 years ago I put together a little Masterclass on Diagnostics & 6 years ago co-created another one on Thyroid
3 years ago I dived deep into new literature to update my ideas & my teaching for ACNEM again & was reinspired by all I had discovered
2 year ago I promised a new MasterCourse, for all those eagerly awaiting the next instalment: Thyroid & Adrenals Diagnostics
and 6mo ago I delivered!! [phew…exhale]
Today I am launching our Update in Under 30 Thyroid Collective for those of you that want more ready resources at your fingertips!

This is a curated retrospective collection of under 30mins (ok…mostly!) recordings & accompanying resources that cover a wide breadth of aspects that affect all of us working in thyroid health… btw… that’s everyone 😉 With individual episodes covering everything from patient presentations to lab interpretations and iatrogenic to metabolic drivers of thyroid dis-ease, from T3 hibernation to high-normal T3 as a response to adiposity & so much more in between!… that we’ve put it all in the one spot for ease and convenience as your go-to thyroid library.

The updated content covered across this collective puts a firm stop to all the lazy labelling around thyroid:
‘You have a bad thyroid – that’s why you…[can’t lose weight, feel tired, have SIBO etc]’
And misdirected management, especially a tendency to overload the butterfly with ‘thyroid’ nutrients – which can do more harm than good

‘When will she ever stop challenging us all to stay up to date with the research revolutionising our understanding of thyroid health & disease?’ I hear you say.  ‘Never,’ she replied!!🌈❤️

UU30 The Thyroid Collective

Welcome to UU30 The Thyroid Collective!!  Over more than a decade, Rachel’s work in thyroid health has gained an enormous following & an impressive reputation for its excellence in quality practitioner education. You may have up-skilled alongside Rachel, undertaking her substantial MasterCourse II in Thyroid & Adrenal Diagnostics or completed smaller instalments on an as-needed basis. Either way this collection of 10 Update in Under 30 episodes provides you with your very own library of thyroid resources & research summaries on a juicy selection of thyroid presentations, investigations and treatment approaches. These are not new episodes but a curated collection of those previously released which have been reviewed to ensure they stand up in the context of all the new research and we can officially declare them – ‘good to go and full of gold!’

You can purchase UU30 The Thyroid Collective here.

If you are an Update in Under 30 Subscriber, you will find all of these episodes in your online account.

You can become an Update in Under 30 Subscriber to access these episodes and the entire library of Update in Under 30 audios and resources here.