Having just spent the last four days in Sydney delivering education at ACNEM to doctors, dentists, pharmacists and other medical professionals, I am reminded afresh about what we all share: a passion for problem solving and a diagnostic detective determination!  What’s truly wonderful is when  teaching shifts from didactic to dialogue-based, with sharing of our different training and expertise, as happened during this weekend. That’s when I find the gains are greatest.   Since the first time I was invited to speak at ACNEM in 2009 (that makes me feel very old!) I observed this collegiate and collaborative learning environment and, I realise in hindsight, worked on developing this a little more within my own naturopathic ranks via my group mentoring.

Over this decade my interactions with integrative doctors have grown in frequency and familiarity. Coming to see and appreciate ever more about important differences in the clinical context from mine and learning increasingly how I can help build a bigger stronger bridge for us to walk between the two approaches – in order to practice true integrative medicine.  With the best of both worlds.

For several years now I have been privileged to mentor doctors & specialists, both individually and as part of group mentoring. This year we have had a combined group of GPs and naturopaths with advanced standing, which has worked well & has attracted excellent feedback that speaks to consistently meeting the needs & learning objectives of practitioners, regardless of background. 

“[At first] I found the sheer complexity of this very well presented case initially overwhelming. What would I have done first that hadn’t already been done?  [Then] the most satisfying was seeing that maybe there was a way of tackling this problem in a clear and systematic way.” Melbourne Integrative GP 

“I always thought alopecia was impossible to treat, and it was a challenging process to unravel in this case but reassuring that a path emerged… Trying to figure out who may be affected the nickel hypersensitivity (SNAS) will be interesting” Integrative GP in NSW

“Highly professional, thoroughly researched, relevant to clinical practice – her insights have certainly been a help already to many patients in my practice.” Auckland GP 

In 2020 we would like to run a group entirely dedicated to integrative doctors or doctors interested in incorporating wellness models and nutritional interventions into their practice.This group, like our others, will meet online for 1hr every month for case discussions, offering us an opportunity to meet your mentoring needs in the best way possible and truly accelerate your knowledge and skills in integrative medicine.  If this is on your to do list then the time is now. We’re currently taking expressions of interest.

What’s Presented in Each Session?

Each session is 1 hour & occurs monthly from January to November. Practitioners present their cases in a rotating fashion across the year.  The work-up of each case will include pathology interpretation, identification of other key clinical questions to be asked and specific additional assessments, drug-nutrient interaction review, discussion of differentials & a proposed integrative management model. Ideally (dependent on final group numbers) these case based sessions will be interspersed with several open Q&A sessions, during which Rachel can answer key questions you have in any given area & follow up on previously presented cases.

Other Benefits
  • New 15min Follow up with Rachel via Zoom for those cases that have been presented in our group mentoring sessions.  This is a brand-new format to follow up on how your client is going after the session – what’s working, and discuss what next. Rachel will spend 15 mins with you on Zoom 1-2 months after you’ve presented your client case.  The recording will then be uploaded to Basecamp so the whole group can catch up on the progress and extend our learning opportunities again.
  • Now there’s an option to join Group Mentoring and not present  Yes, this ‘fly on the wall option’, to join in but not present a case, which we’ve come to learn is preferred by some practitioners (due to a lack of time, good cases or confidence with presenting) is finally getting formalised for 2020
  • 30% discount on ALL Rachel Arthur Nutrition products on our website.  When you join the Group Mentoring Program, you receive a discount code that you can use for any and all purchases on Rachel’s website in 2020 – the Update in Under 30 subscriptions, New Master Diagnostics Package, Thyroid Package and all other recordings.
Where Can You Get More Information?

If you’re a medical doctor and you’re interested in being a part of this dynamic specialist group for next year you can…

Fill out the registration form to secure your place before applications closed mid November.
If you have further questions email us at [email protected] or read more information about the program click here.