Copy of Doreen SchweglerNaturopath & Medical scientist

Make the most of this special offer! If you become a 12 month subscriber before the end of January (that’s tomorrow!) you receive 10% off ALL individual mentoring sessions in 2017!

And just so you know what we have in store for you as an Update in Under 30 Subscriber this month: Rachel’s kicking off the year with ‘Melatonin – Misunderstandings and Mistakes’ – an amazing clinical update about what we are getting right and wrong with Melatonin.  This podcast answers in particular, one of the most common sources of fascination & frustration for clinicians, the reasons behind the Melatonin non-responder. We’ve all encountered patients who have taken Melatonin for sleep problems and reported no benefit, or initially responded and then lost efficacy quickly, or even patients who experienced insomnia after taking. What does this tell you about your patient and what should you do to resolve this and better still, prevent it?  Now we know.

As Rachel says, she loves a good clinical mystery solved and this one has been plaguing her for years!  Stay tuned next month for yet another juicy podcast, where Rachel does all the research for you and brings you the key clinical practice pearls in Under 30! 🙂

Are you new to Update in Under 30? Did you know you can look through the back catalogue and purchase them individually? These include ones that provide you with actual clinic handouts and other downloadable tools such as: Ten Top Tips for Accurate Blood Tests (includes a Pathology Testing – Patient Support Questionnaire) , ‘Dear Doctor – tips on letter writing’ (includes a referral letter template) and ‘Taking Care Down There’, all about thorough investigation and evidence based treatment for the vaginal microbiome (includes a patient instruction handout regarding how to administer intra-vaginal lactulose). Listen to these incredible clinical updates and make the most of the time-saving clinical tools that have been shared with you.