Many of us are now alert to this common but still under-recognised polymorphism that has pervasive effects on health. But if you were to base your diagnosis of Gilbert Syndrome on your patient having above reference range bilirubin levels, you will both miss some who have this condition, and misdiagnose others who don’t. Because of this, we need to be competent & confident in our process of identifying the real reason for greater than expected bilirubin levels, which include liver and biliary disease, abundant precursors, dyserythropoiesis esp B12 deficiency and several other genetic hyperbilirubinemias. This recording and the amazingly helpful desktop reference we’ve created to go with it, provide a clear process to follow, with concrete cut-offs for parameter values. Together these ensure you won’t miss a Gilbert’s Syndrome diagnosis but you won’t misdiagnose someone with it, either.
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