After running a deeply rewarding Group Mentoring program for over a decade it is indeed time for change.  I’ve witnessed first-hand the exceptional growth of thousands of practitioners, and in turn they have guaranteed and forged my own. It’s provided me, & my small team of naturopaths working behind the scenes, with an extraordinary opportunity to further develop, refine & sharpen many of the clinical tools I had originally created just for my own practice, to ensure they are user-friendly and outcome-oriented for everyone who choses to adopt them. Over this period, I’ve even seen some of my mentees become mentors themselves (!) carving out their own paths, creating their own clinical toolkits etc. I am eternally grateful for having occupied this space and role for so long. 

But my contribution to ongoing practitioner development is not done – just done differently – moving forward.

Inspired by, & truth be told a little envious of, the content, culture and collegiate experiences my university attending big kids are having – we’ve decided to adopt some of the same elements including semesters! So our 2024 is now divided in half, with Sem 1 starting in Feb and finished by June. This means we can offer intensives, accelerated learning formats which will especially appeal to and benefit our intake of newly graduated nats/nuts/herbies into our New Grads program. This is the result of more frequent touch points and does not come at the cost of the comprhenesive content or outcomes. Likewise, all those returning (via a stampede!!) to our much anticipated Nutrition Prescriber’s Program

We also want to introduce a new member of our family: Cracking the Case.

This is a Case Series delivered live via monthly meet-ups whereby a real case work-up, covering all key aspects of diagnostics, prescriptives, the therapeutic relationship, behavioural change & patient management etc is detailed and discussed.  The cases have been hand-picked for their ability to offer maximal learning for us all – both in general terms of case work-up skills and tools, as well as an opportunity to upskill in the primary affected systems and the associated presentations – be that endocrine, skin, metabolic etc .  We are so excited to announce this one’s arrival!

So if you want to head back to uni with us for Sem 1 at RAN Uni 😂 get in contact [email protected]