Recording of Webinar 3 of Access the Experts
“Access the Experts with Rachel Arthur” is a webinar series focusing on the best of Mental Health Education. Rachel interviews four hand-picked guest speakers about a particular area of expertise in Mental Health. Each is a clinician with years of experience (from a psychologist to a GP to psychiatrists) who Rachel has worked with and/or been mentored by and she is thrilled that these interviews create an avenue to share their incredible & very practical knowledge with a wider audience.
Kate Worsfold – B.Psych (Hons1), M.Clin Psych (cand.) Post Grad & Adv Dip Nut Med, Adv Dip Nat
“Working on the edge – extremely healthy eating, orthorexia or another eating disorder? How to tell the difference and what to do from there”
Are you one of the many clinicians unable to recognise the warning signs of an eating disorder?
A patient presents on a very restrictive diet telling you that they have to do this for health reasons e.g. food intolerances, allergies, poor digestive capacity etc. … It happens all the time to health professionals. How do you distinguish whether this patient’s food behaviour is a healthy and appropriate response or actually a form of an eating disorder? It’s hard right?!
As a nutritional psychologist, Kate recently conducted research looking into this issue and discovered alarmingly that clinicians (naturopaths, nutritionists, fitness instructors and psychologists alike) failed to recognise the warning signs of an eating disorder.
We’ve got this concerning juxtaposition at play here, where eating disorders (in particular anorexia nervosa) have the highest mortality rate of any psychiatric condition and yet most clinicians receive very little if any undergraduate training on this group of common disorders!
Other research has observed poor screening by GPs with Linville et al. (2012) reporting 68.00% “didn’t think to screen for eating disorders as it wasn’t the presenting concern”. Competency and confidence in this area is imperative for naturopaths, nutritionists and integrative health practitioners because we are more likely to attract these clients because we appear to ‘speak their language or share their vision’ in relation to prioritising health. If we miss the warning signs, we can’t treat these patients correctly and our approach can be either just ineffective or worse still, damaging.
In this interview, Rachel will be asking Kate about:
- What resources we, as clinicians, need for better detection of eating disorders (Kate is the master of knowing the right scales and surveys to use!).
- What to do when you do suspect an eating disorder is at play?
- How to help those whose pursuit of ‘healthy eating’ has in fact become their source of disease?
This is a topic close to both of their hearts and Kate is well-practiced in answering Rachel’s constant questions about how we can apply everything to the naturopathic clinical context. Tune in to gain a truly fresh perspective on the way we view our clients.
This webinar can be purchased individually (as a recording) for $66 OR purchase the webinar series (4 x webinars) as a package for $176 and SAVE $88!