Rachel's Blogs

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Last days to take advantage of the Update in Under 30 sale!

Make the most of this special offer! If you become a 12 month subscriber before the end of the week you will pay less than $13 per edition. Save more than 50% than if you were to buy the podcasts individually. Stay up to date with the latest in integrative nutritional...

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1/4 of a packet of Activated Almonds a Month…

1/4 of a packet of Activated Almonds a Month…

'How much does the Update in Under 30 podcast subscription cost?' I hear you ask...about 1/4 of a packet of Activated Almonds per month, that's about 1 activated almond per day I reckon. This is a Byron Shire joke, the idea being that Activated Almonds are the...

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Joining the Campfire Conversation

Joining the Campfire Conversation

So you've heard part of that BIMA story...now here's the rest. To be honest, I was pretty surprised to win anything given I've spent the last 20 years 'agitating', challenging the misinformation and strongholds of the big companies etc. Funnily enough, in my post...

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Beaming About My BIMA

Psssssssssssst....just thought I would share a special moment from a couple of weeks ago when I received the BIMA for Lecturer of the Year. Thanks to all those practitioners who nominated me for Lecturer, Nutritionist & Researcher of the year! It was really...

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Satisfaction in Strange Places

Satisfaction in Strange Places

There are many different potential sources of satisfaction that come from working in integrative health.  The first that comes to most of our minds of course is the deep satisfaction that comes with solving a complex health riddle for someone and knowing that you have...

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Who is ‘Molly’??

Who is ‘Molly’??

I keep hearing the name, 'Molly': "I think I'll use 'Molly' for this patient" or "A bit of 'Molly' might go well with the zinc for their high copper"... a moment of confusion on my behalf, (Molly who?) and then the slightly late...'ooooooooh Molybdenum'. Gotta love a...

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The Conference Trifecta! This is a Must Watch

The Conference Trifecta! This is a Must Watch

Recently, I posted about my very positive experience of the AIMA NZ conference, prior to that I was gabbing on about the upcoming ACNEM Brain Health conference in Melbourne in May and now I am going for the conference hat trick!  I want to revisit a really impacting...

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Elusive Integration?

Elusive Integration?

Just back from a truly wonderful Australasian Integrative Medical Association (AIMA) conference in NZ.  I don't know what it is about the land of the long white cloud but they seem to produce some of the loveliest, most earnest health practitioners and this conference...

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Did we Leave Oestrogen in the 80s?

Did we Leave Oestrogen in the 80s?

Duck duck GOOSE! Do you know this game?  That's how I'm feeling with oestrogen - high-high-high-LOW!-of late. Likely similar to your experience, the majority of my female clients battle with oestrogen dominance, therefore I get so used to looking for it, expecting it:...

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Pig Thyroid For Who?

Pig Thyroid For Who?

Got any patients on Natural Thyroid Extracts (NTE)?  Me too...and I am finding it's on the increase.  What's the deal?  What do we need to understand about this form of thyroid replacement therapy to best monitor and manage those patients already on it or...

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Hear ye, hear ye…Adrenal Fatigue is Dead!

Hear ye, hear ye…Adrenal Fatigue is Dead!

That's the word on integrative medicine street.  I had a sense this was coming, not just a tightening of our terminology but also a challenge of the very concept of 'adrenal burnout'.  Hear me out.   This important information was presented by Dr. Kamal Karl, an...

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Welcoming a New Member to the Family!

Welcoming a New Member to the Family!

I just want to scream with joy...and then keep on screaming with utter frustration!  Last week I presented the culmination of months of work looking into the extraordinary manifold relationships between thyroid health, fertility, pregnancy & post-partum health for...

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Hey, Weed Lovers

Hey, Weed Lovers

I know you're out there. Reading a recent news article I had instant flashbacks of being a young, big-eyed, rosy cheeked naturopathic student of 20+years ago.  While my career since may have taken me in somewhat of a different direction, I know many of my colleagues...

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Bringing Up Teens – Yes, Yes but No

This week I must have spent more than my daily time allocation (5mins) on Facebook and as a result I stumbled across an article I actually read from beginning to finish!  The title called to me, "Bad Parent, Hey Bad Parent"...it works every time right?  Anyway, once I...

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A Bit of Culture Shock

A Bit of Culture Shock

I've managed to befriend a microbiologist.  I know it wouldn't excite everyone, but it's my big good news story of the month and I can't wipe the smile off my face when I announce this to friends and colleagues. Friends don't get it. Yet another Rachel weirdism. But...

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Digging Deeper Into Thyroid

Digging Deeper Into Thyroid

Have you still got some thyroid patients that don't fit any sort of traditional thyroid disease model and are difficult to get results with? Oh yes me too... and watch out...I've been spending the last few weeks with my nose firmly embedded in hundreds of articles...

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Freya’s Coffee Rules

Freya’s Coffee Rules

We all try and surround ourselves with fabulous people in our workplace and I have been luckier than most.  I'll talk more another time about how to attract the right people to work for your business but right now I just want to share a gem from the fabulous Freya who...

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Are You Over-Delivering?

Are You Over-Delivering?

This year has kicked off with lots of time spent re-calibrating my own and other practitioners' businesses models via business mentoring and it's such a privilege.  One symptom that seems to creep into almost every practitioner's business model though, is one of...

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Appendicitis Update

Appendicitis Update

I've been digging around in the scientific literature all about appendicitis and I've ended up here.  Long gone are the days when medicine foolishly considered the appendix without purpose - a dispensable 'extra' of the GIT and now, thanks to genetic PCR bacterial...

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Misunderstandings & Mistakes – I’ve Made a Few!

Misunderstandings & Mistakes – I’ve Made a Few!

Yep, I've had them...and made them.  I often hear practitioners say they cringe when they think back about the patients they saw in the first year because of the vastly greater knowledge they have now.  I do too. But my mistakes are more recent than that!  I know more...

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