Rachel's Blogs

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Appendicitis Update

Appendicitis Update

I've been digging around in the scientific literature all about appendicitis and I've ended up here.  Long gone are the days when medicine foolishly considered the appendix without purpose - a dispensable 'extra' of the GIT and now, thanks to genetic PCR bacterial...

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Misunderstandings & Mistakes – I’ve Made a Few!

Misunderstandings & Mistakes – I’ve Made a Few!

Yep, I've had them...and made them.  I often hear practitioners say they cringe when they think back about the patients they saw in the first year because of the vastly greater knowledge they have now.  I do too. But my mistakes are more recent than that!  I know more...

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1 Week Podcast Subscription Special Offer

1 Week Podcast Subscription Special Offer

  Have you heard what everyone is saying about the "Update in Under 30 Podcasts"? But more importantly, have you heard about "Update in Under 30 Podcasts"... fullstop?! If you've somehow missed out on being a subscriber & receiving these monthly gems over the...

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Back to ‘Basics’ for New Year Resolves?

Back to ‘Basics’ for New Year Resolves?

Sheeeeeshkebab I squirm at the whole premise of new year's resolutions.  If you understand a little about the process of behavioural change, you'll appreciate that there's no magic dust (or firework pollutants!) you are going to get sprinkled with between pre and post...

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Ask me to name a lymphatic herb other than Cleavers and Poke Root and I might struggle (sorry Sue!) but some other things stay with us forever. One of my stayers pops into my head every time I eat a carrot.  Every time I make my partner or my kids eat a carrot.  Every...

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Are you Listening for the Good News?

Are you Listening for the Good News?

Want to start 2017 with some good news?  Sometimes working with patients challenged by mental health I get scared.  A well-known colleague of mine introduced me to the notion of the 'clinician in crisis'. The practitioner who, in the face of their patient's...

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One Bite At A Time

One Bite At A Time

The standout gift I got this year for Christmas without a doubt was my very own copy of Sarah Lantz & Tabitha McIntosh's,  One Bite at a Time  - Reduce Toxic Exposure & Eat the World You Want.  Every time I walk past it on the table a strange force compels me...

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I Am Quitting

I Am Quitting

I've decided to resign, to quit, to call it a day. It's a big decision and it may come as a surprise to some of you but it's a timely one.   You see, it's actually good business practice to figuratively or literally quit your job at the same time each year.  Schedule...

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Are You Ready For Lift-Off in 2017?

Are You Ready For Lift-Off in 2017?

It's officially official! The Rachel Arthur Mentorship Program for 2017 is in the loading dock ready to launch & we kick off with our first session on January 30. We are soooooooooooo excited & we have just a few spots left.  If you haven't heard as yet we...

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One News Item I Just Had to Share

One News Item I Just Had to Share

I think of you most mornings.  You see I'm totally in the habit of checking abc online news when I wake and frequently expel several 'Oh my goodnesses', before even getting out of bed.  Here's one that made me want to jump out of bed and instantly share them with...

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Taking Care Down There

Taking Care Down There

Often we assume our patients know at least the basics about health - especially about things soooo seemingly basic...that we fear mentioning them would offend and make us look like someone trying to teach grandma anything!  But there are some instances where I've...

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Somewhere Over the Teenage Rainbow

Somewhere Over the Teenage Rainbow

The other night my 16yo daughter was reading through bits of reading matter that had made it home from the recent ASLM conference - one in particular was all about contrasting dietary guidelines of key western countries and comparing these using a more naturopathic...

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Prolactin – But Wait There’s More!

Prolactin – But Wait There’s More!

As an add on to my recent blog, I thought you might find this other detail about prolactin levels (PRL) interesting.  Several studies including a one published in 2009, have demonstrated a positive correlation between PRL and increased CVD risk in both men and...

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Are Hormones Driving the Autoimmune Bus?

Are Hormones Driving the Autoimmune Bus?

Back a few weeks ago I had the pleasure of presenting at the Integria Symposium and the even greater pleasure of listening to some of the fabulous speakers ...you see I've heard my stuff before! 😉 The 'Mosaic of Autoimmunity' was delivered by the very funny and...

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Our Door Is Open – But Closing Soon!

Our Door Is Open – But Closing Soon!

While I am a sponge for new information I do have my moments... delusional moments when I think, ‘I am done learning’. These are usually very short lived, maybe an hour, half a day?  Inevitably, patients and the practitioners I have the honour of mentoring snap me out...

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Exploding Brain Juice

Exploding Brain Juice

Does your brain feel like it's going to explode, spilling brain-juice everywhere, when you do 2 weekend conferences in a row? Or is that just me?  I have returned to my desk after the Integria Symposium and then the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine...

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Your Burning Zinc Questions Answered

Your Burning Zinc Questions Answered

Most practitioners are pretty knowledgeable about Zinc and are quick to recognise a deficiency and the opportunities for zinc supplementation as an effective therapy and those same practitioners are often plagued by nagging questions that come up, in spite of loads of...

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The Year for Inaugural Innovative Integration?

The Year for Inaugural Innovative Integration?

  While the positive ripple effect of the ANS is still being felt (and - yes the video package is just about to be released, so prepare for another big ripple!!), there is another inaugural education event trailing hot on its heels!  Hopefully you've already...

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