Rachel's Blogs

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Anti-Epileptic Medications & Nutrient Interactions 101

Anti-Epileptic Medications & Nutrient Interactions 101

Ok here's a gripe I'm having currently.  I have a number of patients who are taking anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) and most of these are children who require them for seizure control.  Naturally, working alongside such serious pathology and these critical medications...

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The Beauty of the Basics

The Beauty of the Basics

Howdy practitioners - I've had an inspiring month of clients.  Not because I cured anyone, answered some major riddle previously unsolved by modern medicine or any of these enormous tasks we or our patients often set ourselves but rather because I got back to basics....

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I need a (Local) Hero!

I need a (Local) Hero!

Well here's a thought...the 'Superfood' nutrition movement has just about eaten the South Americans out of quinoa and the Pacific Islanders out of coconuts..isn't it time for a local hero?  I get a bit despondent when any new food is touted as a 'Superfood' anyway for...

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When I Would Give Withania A Miss

When I Would Give Withania A Miss

We kicked off mentoring this year with some great cases last week.  One was a pregnant hyperthyroid client.   During the session the wonderful practitioner mentions that the client is using Withania somnifera as required for anxiety. Insert sound of brakes screeching...

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Turning the Spotlight on the Low Dopamine Depressive

Turning the Spotlight on the Low Dopamine Depressive

  Low dopamine as an underpinning cause of depression, anxiety and even addiction (illicit drugs, sex, gambling) has been gaining increased recognition in research.  In spite of this there are no antidepressants currently on the Australian market that address...

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The Awake Delta Wave Experience

The Awake Delta Wave Experience

There's taking a break and then there's taking a break.   For most of us Christmas does not fit the definition of a break but rather simply an altered version of our escalated pre-Christmas frenzy.  The crazy end of year work wrap up replaced by the equally crazy...

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Are you ready to accelerate your clinical skills in 2016?

Are you ready to accelerate your clinical skills in 2016?

It’s here!...The New Look Mentoring for 2016. We’re so excited to announce the new mentoring program for 2016, specifically designed to add more value and provide greater skills and knowledge acceleration to Integrative Nutrition Practitioners. Introducing the Rachel...

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A Duck Called Homer? (HOMA-IR)

A Duck Called Homer? (HOMA-IR)

Most of us know that measuring a fasting blood glucose to assess how well someone is managing their glucose levels is about as crude and insensitive as waiting for the smoke detector alarm to tell you your dinner is cooked!  If we wait to see an abnormal result here...

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Supersize Me SAMe!

Supersize Me SAMe!

If you're left wondering why on earth Rachel undertook the "Supersize Me Month" (see previous post here) then you may have missed her SAMe: Mental Health & Beyond tour.  It's funny really because one of the key areas Rachel discussed in this presentation is the...

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Is This How Other People Feel?

Is This How Other People Feel?

One thing that you need to know about me is that I consider myself pretty healthy...surprise! :0) As in, I wake with energy, I love exercising and on a typical day I am blissfully ignorant of my digestive system..as in it doesn't speak to me via oohs aahs gripes and...

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Bali Beauty Beware!

Bali Beauty Beware!

I've just come across yet another woman who has developed an unprecedented fungal nail infection  (Onychomycosis) in her toenails following a trip to Bali.  This infection is usually due to a species of tinnea that has managed to infiltrate the nail structure....

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More on Men…now from the Medicos

More on Men…now from the Medicos

Medical Observer recently highlighted the increasing issue of Erectile Dysfunction amongst males and specifically made some points that I think we can all be in agreement about: Initiate the discussion - the more comfortable the practitioner is in asking about this...

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