Rachel's Blogs

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When Your Gut Kicks Your Kidney 🦵

When Your Gut Kicks Your Kidney 🦵

These days it's all about who you know right?  So if we applied that same mindset to rating and ranking our organs then the kidneys would've amassed the largest number of followers, 'top fan badges', likes, watches, you name it.  The kidneys are nothing if not...

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I’m Having A ‘Mutual Moment’

I’m Having A ‘Mutual Moment’

I know you haven't heard a lot from me of late. 📢 I repeat I been BUSY📢 . Anyone currently undertaking our Nutrient Prescriber's Program this year or Cracking the Case Series will vouch for that and fill you in on the insanely dynamic details!! But...

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Are Our Kidney Conversations Constrained By ‘Cause’?

Are Our Kidney Conversations Constrained By ‘Cause’?

It's so wonderful to know kidney health is moving address. From the darkest bits at the back, now to the front of our clever clinical minds.  We're easy to impress when it comes to any 'axis' - gut-brain, brain-immune etc. so we all need to take a moment and take note...

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The Polyphenol Prescription For Excess Iron

The Polyphenol Prescription For Excess Iron

Do you realise we're often giving our patients Crabs?  Stay with me 🙄 We're all BIG fans of polyphenols right, but did you know that one of the key ways they qualify as antioxidants is that they chelate metals?   Chemically speaking that means that polyphenols...

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Boron: A Victim Of Identity Theft 🦹‍♂️

Boron: A Victim Of Identity Theft 🦹‍♂️

It's no secret I am in the midst of some serious deep-diving through the micronutrient evidence base & at a depth of about 30 metres I struck Boron!  Don't yawn! I saw that.  Thinking, 'boring', when we hear, 'Boron', is almost as bankable as watching everyone...

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The Microbiota🦠Universe Explodes…Some More

The Microbiota🦠Universe Explodes…Some More

Still.  And yes - like you - I don't see any slowing down any time soon in this extraordinary paradigm shift occurring in medicine and health. Which for us humans involves one humbling discovery after another. Here we were thinking we made our dietary choices from a...

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ZoomZoom Goes the Zinc Zeitgeist

ZoomZoom Goes the Zinc Zeitgeist

I'm such a sucker for marketing!...ZoomZoom is from an old Australian car ad - an earworm clearly conveying ' the speed of something', and let me tell you, totally fitting for this little Zinc tale I'm about to tell! Many years ago, I wrote a thesis on Zinc that...

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And A Very Menopausal Christmas To You!

And A Very Menopausal Christmas To You!

Wow, menopause is really having a moment, isn't it? Or is that just me (and my mates who are all somewhere on that perimenopausal path)?! But seriously, medical perception of this reproductive transition is undergoing a revolution right now—widening the lens to take...

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A Diagnosis of Inclusion for all Women 35-65?

A Diagnosis of Inclusion for all Women 35-65?

Any steps towards inclusivity in societal & cultural terms are cause for celebration but in medicine, that can come in the form of a 'diagnosis of inclusion', the opposite, of course, of a 'diagnosis of exclusion' and potentially as slippery and loose as it...

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Some Cracking! Cases

Some Cracking! Cases

Practitioners have been bringing their most challenging cases to me for mentoring & supervision for over a decade, that's hundreds, in fact, probably thousands, of cases, tempting me to say, therefore I've seen 'everything'. Except of course I haven't. And each...

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Ever Watch Yourself Back Like…[Generalist V Specialist]

Ever Watch Yourself Back Like…[Generalist V Specialist]

ALL • THE • TIME Especially given I am now a relic, my original training not quite pre-industrial revolution but pre-specialisation obsession.  So that once I started seeing paying patients I just saw, and have seen...everyone. And because our patients always drive...

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Time for Change

Time for Change

After running a deeply rewarding Group Mentoring program for over a decade it is indeed time for change.  I've witnessed first-hand the exceptional growth of thousands of practitioners, and in turn they have guaranteed and forged my own. It's provided me, & my...

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Thyroid V Virus – Not New Just Ask Fritz

Thyroid V Virus – Not New Just Ask Fritz

Ever feel like the universe has been preparing you just for this moment?  Me neither really…but in this one weird way – yes! So hear me out.  Thyroid disease as a result of a viral infection was first described in 1902 by Dr Fritz De Quervain and of course he and his...

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What If We Had It All Wrong?!

What If We Had It All Wrong?!

I shared this recently on socials but for those of us that don't hang around that 'hood I am sharing again here because it is just too important. While we're busy updating our knowledge regarding reproductive health for women (soooo many huge headlines of...

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Health is in the Eye of the Beholder

Health is in the Eye of the Beholder

Just last week the sickest patient I've encountered this year (& for perhaps some time) asked me, if I ever see really sick people. This 60 something-year-old farmer has a great sense of humour, so I immediately thought he was joking but as soon as I looked up...

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Individualising Adiposity

Individualising Adiposity

The debasing of BMI as a stand-alone assessment of weight is long overdue given its significant limitations and lack of meaningfulness with respect to overall health. This coincides with a bigger societal and cultural shift towards inclusivity which...

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Getting Some Pathology Perspective

Getting Some Pathology Perspective

The builder responsible for my reno arrived one day with a frown. When I asked him what was wrong - he said he'd just had his second high PSA result and now the doctor wants him to see a specialist. It was apparent that he felt this was a real cause for concern.  Talk...

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Are We Still Talking About Histamine?!

Are We Still Talking About Histamine?!

Heck yeah. It's going to take a lot more than 1 push-back post to turn this ship around!  Likewise, I was only getting started with my recent Update in Under 30 episode, 'What's Hiding Behind Histamine' 🤓😂 & part 2 has just been released where we...

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