Rachel's Blogs

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More Histamine Intolerance? Really?! 🤐

More Histamine Intolerance? Really?! 🤐

I can barely bring myself to write the word given how overused it has been of late 🤐🙄😯😕🙃 But I gotta say something!  If we have found ourselves currently in a place where every second (or indeed single!) patient has a 'histamine...

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What do you know about Black Pepper?

What do you know about Black Pepper?

I am just back from the NHAA Symposium - all informationed-up and raring to share!! LOL I learned some great stuff about Black Pepper and that made me think about a case from mentoring last month🤓 One of the presentations was from Jason Hawrelak during which...

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Another Iron Question For Us All

Another Iron Question For Us All

What level of Serum Ferritin represents 'empty'?  As in complete depletion of iron stores? Is it any value below the minimum of the reference range? e.g. < 30 mcg/L Or does the bottom of the reference range allow for a buffer and 'empty' is substantially lower than...

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Everyday Q&As – HPA and Sleep Disorders

Everyday Q&As – HPA and Sleep Disorders

Practitioner:  I haven't yet done the MasterCourse II in Thyroid & Adrenal Diagnostics but I want to better understand the HPA of that patient we discussed with significant sleep disorders.  Waking blood? Saliva? Urine? Which one? Rachel: Well, you've heard me say...

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Everyday Q&As – More Postnatal Iodine (Not) Fun

Everyday Q&As – More Postnatal Iodine (Not) Fun

Rachel: And sometimes emails from practitioners provide me with both the question and their own answer to their question even! Cameron Barker's (Ex-student long-term learner & mentee) email arrives titled: Unexpected Source of Iodine in Placenta Caps?! A 32 yo...

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Welcome To Our Thyroid Collective!

Welcome To Our Thyroid Collective!

There's a bit of a backstory - play along at home if you want - by ticking off the steps in this journey we have travelled together! 😂 14 years ago I was first asked to contribute to ACNEM’s thyroid training module 9 years ago I put together a little...

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Thyroid Health in a Time of (& after) COVID

Thyroid Health in a Time of (& after) COVID

Did you know that your thyroid expresses more ACE 2 receptors than your lungs? So while there is nothing new about the potential for a virus (or indeed even a vaccine against a virus) to impact thyroid form and function, the particular predilection this recent virus...

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A Growing Case of Practitioner Paralysis?

A Growing Case of Practitioner Paralysis?

  Over the years I've observed an increase in the incidence of practitioner paralysis.  This occurs typically & understandably in the face of fearmongering. A good example is in the area of so-called 'methylation medicine' where we've been lead to believe...

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The Big SAMe Rethink Continued

The Big SAMe Rethink Continued

You know the saying, 'If I had a dollar...', well there's so many ways I could finish that sentence, especially in relation to the most common questions I'm asked by praccies on a weekly basis and 'Can my patient on antidepressant 'X' take SAMe?', would be in the top...

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The Big SAMe Rethink Starts Now

The Big SAMe Rethink Starts Now

Recently a very experienced practitioner who uses SAMe frequently and successfully in her patients and also delivers education said to me, "I don't know what I am doing wrong -  practitioners still come back to me with cases where they're throwing 8 different products...

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How Long Do You Give The ‘How’?

How Long Do You Give The ‘How’?

I've been ruffling feathers over here while speaking at AIMA in Auckland. While I am pretty familiar and comfortable with that role (& responsibility?) - this topic ruffled my own, arguably the most.  In fact, I kicked off the presentation with, 'What I'm going to...

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An Obese Individual Walks Into Your Clinic

An Obese Individual Walks Into Your Clinic

This is not about body shaming nor body positivity.  I understand the crudeness of the body mass index, as a measure of (un)healthy weight - let alone (un)healthy muscle mass, so I don't use this as a stand-alone assessment of weight, nor rigidly adhere to the...

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