Rachel's Blogs
When Your Gut Kicks Your Kidney 🦵
These days it's all about who you know right? So if we applied that same mindset to rating and ranking our organs then the kidneys would've amassed the largest number of followers, 'top fan badges', likes, watches, you name it. The kidneys are nothing if not...
I’m Having A ‘Mutual Moment’
I know you haven't heard a lot from me of late. 📢 I repeat I been BUSY📢 . Anyone currently undertaking our Nutrient Prescriber's Program this year or Cracking the Case Series will vouch for that and fill you in on the insanely dynamic details!! But...
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Getting Some Pathology Perspective
The builder responsible for my reno arrived one day with a frown. When I asked him what was wrong - he said he'd just had his second high PSA result and now the doctor wants him to see a specialist. It was apparent that he felt this was a real cause for concern. Talk...
Are We Still Talking About Histamine?!
Heck yeah. It's going to take a lot more than 1 push-back post to turn this ship around! Likewise, I was only getting started with my recent Update in Under 30 episode, 'What's Hiding Behind Histamine' 🤓😂 & part 2 has just been released where we...
MasterCourse I Price Freeze Ends 30th July
Never done a MasterCourse in Diagnostics with me? Is that because you're scared of... a) investing that...
The Ultimate Pageturner: The Thyroid Biography Of Every Patient
Have you had a book that is so compelling & transporting you can't put it down? In the last year or so I've rewritten my own little book of sorts, on thyroid physiology and results interpretation and during that process I came across a paper that referred...
More Histamine Intolerance? Really?! 🤐
I can barely bring myself to write the word given how overused it has been of late 🤐🙄😯😕🙃 But I gotta say something! If we have found ourselves currently in a place where every second (or indeed single!) patient has a 'histamine...
Everyday Q&As – Pathology Indicators Of Hypercortisolism
The case of a slim 41YOF under very high stress due to marriage separation & the care of 2 young kids was presented in mentoring this month. Her a.m. Cortisol was 710 nmol/L - Rachel asked the group to identify 3 results in her routine labs that are consistent...
What do you know about Black Pepper?
I am just back from the NHAA Symposium - all informationed-up and raring to share!! LOL I learned some great stuff about Black Pepper and that made me think about a case from mentoring last month🤓 One of the presentations was from Jason Hawrelak during which...
Another Iron Question For Us All
What level of Serum Ferritin represents 'empty'? As in complete depletion of iron stores? Is it any value below the minimum of the reference range? e.g. < 30 mcg/L Or does the bottom of the reference range allow for a buffer and 'empty' is substantially lower than...
Everyday Q&As – HPA and Sleep Disorders
Practitioner: I haven't yet done the MasterCourse II in Thyroid & Adrenal Diagnostics but I want to better understand the HPA of that patient we discussed with significant sleep disorders. Waking blood? Saliva? Urine? Which one? Rachel: Well, you've heard me say...
Everyday Q&As – More Postnatal Iodine (Not) Fun
Rachel: And sometimes emails from practitioners provide me with both the question and their own answer to their question even! Cameron Barker's (Ex-student long-term learner & mentee) email arrives titled: Unexpected Source of Iodine in Placenta Caps?! A 32 yo...
Everyday Q&A – Oh Gawd! Grave’s & Iodine in Pregnancy?!
Just as optimal integration of lab results into our patient work-ups makes 'the invisible visible' we thought we might make visible some of the everyday Q & A that we engage in with wonderful practitioners who are fast becoming Diagnostic Divas & Divos....
Everyday Q&As – Time-frames for Change
Just as optimal integration of lab results into our patient work-ups makes 'the invisible visible' we thought we might make visible some of the everyday Q & A that we engage in with wonderful practitioners who are fast becoming Diagnostic Divas & Divos....
Welcome To Our Thyroid Collective!
There's a bit of a backstory - play along at home if you want - by ticking off the steps in this journey we have travelled together! 😂 14 years ago I was first asked to contribute to ACNEM’s thyroid training module 9 years ago I put together a little...
Everyday Q&As – Iodine and Thyroid Nodules
Just as optimal integration of lab results into our patient work-ups makes 'the invisible visible' we thought we might make visible some of the everyday Q & A that we engage in with wonderful practitioners who are fast becoming Diagnostic Divas & Divos....
An Eczema Case – A Nickel For Your Thoughts…
When it comes to the recognition of Nickel as the number one metal allergen worldwide, affecting up to 30% of adults and with a particular predilection for women, it seems like Australian health professionals really do come from the 'land down under', with many of us...
Ever Met A Set Of Thyroid Results You Didn’t Like?
Ever met a set of thyroid results you didn't like? Because you couldn't work them out? Because they defied your expectations, & therefore your understanding, of how they should look in this patient given their weight, nutrition, meds, diagnoses? Yeah - me too. In...
Thyroid Health in a Time of (& after) COVID
Did you know that your thyroid expresses more ACE 2 receptors than your lungs? So while there is nothing new about the potential for a virus (or indeed even a vaccine against a virus) to impact thyroid form and function, the particular predilection this recent virus...
Weight Issues & Thyroid – Are We Asking The Wrong Question?
If I wrote down these 2 elements on a MindMap: Thyroid dysfunction and Adiposity, how would you connect them? Would you reflexively draw an arrow from the former to the latter to flag that the thyroid underpins the weight management issues? My arrow would be the...
A Growing Case of Practitioner Paralysis?
Over the years I've observed an increase in the incidence of practitioner paralysis. This occurs typically & understandably in the face of fearmongering. A good example is in the area of so-called 'methylation medicine' where we've been lead to believe...
The Big SAMe Rethink Continued
You know the saying, 'If I had a dollar...', well there's so many ways I could finish that sentence, especially in relation to the most common questions I'm asked by praccies on a weekly basis and 'Can my patient on antidepressant 'X' take SAMe?', would be in the top...
The Big SAMe Rethink Starts Now
Recently a very experienced practitioner who uses SAMe frequently and successfully in her patients and also delivers education said to me, "I don't know what I am doing wrong - practitioners still come back to me with cases where they're throwing 8 different products...