Rachel's Blogs

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Well…Does He Need Iron?!

Well…Does He Need Iron?!

If I could be granted 1 wish regarding all health professionals, it would be that we were all competent in reading Iron Studies.  Think that's overstating the issue? Or not a bodacious enough way to 'spend' my wish? I don't. Especially when you consider the impact of...

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We Need To Talk About Kevin…aka B3

We Need To Talk About Kevin…aka B3

Just like Kevin, 'Niacin' is profoundly misunderstood and consequently runs the risk of doing us harm. Unlike 'Kevin', we can't watch the movie to see how this (our arguably excessive use of the wrong forms of B3 in supplements and fortified foods) is all going to...

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Ask Alexa?

Ask Alexa?

'Hey Alexa, What's that formula for correcting urinary iodine for hydration status?' Oh yes, if only she could answer these kind of questions! There's no one here by that name but we get these kind of emails all the time [Oh and also for Freya who hasn't worked here...

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Do You See What I See?

Do You See What I See?

When I was 12 tartan was in.  Like, really in.  And I rode that tartan wave as far as it could go, arguably beyond where it should go...I had a tartan bowtie I wore. 🙄 I knew it was on trend because I saw it flashed across magazine covers (we never bought them...

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A Sprinkle Of Precursor & A Dash Of Co-Factor?

A Sprinkle Of Precursor & A Dash Of Co-Factor?

There's enormous potency in nutritional medicine for mental health but it ain't in the form of a 'dash of precursor here and a sprinkle of co-factor there', like some may have you believe.  Many nutritional prescriptions can look good on paper but that's the extent of...

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Do You Remember?

Do You Remember?

I've seen two 20-year-old young men in my practice this last month who've already made a lasting impression on me. The first, is buff, full of cheek and humour while deeply engaged with his health, earnest in his desire to understand his 7 years of daily upper gastric...

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Someone Say Sulphur?

Someone Say Sulphur?

That's not a word you hear often spoken by people practising nutritional medicine. Which is odd. I mean outside of the whole, 'I'm not good with sulphites so I just have to add these magic drops into my glass of red so I can knock back my share," often overheard at...

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I Spy…

I Spy…

I say: Biotin, Broccoli Sprouts & Bone Broth You say....? If you said: 'Sulphur', go directly to the top of the class, passing 'Go' & collecting $200 on your way!🤓  If you nervously said..."I don't know, they all start with 'B' ?", you are not alone. ...

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Are You Ready To Be Lab Literate?

Are You Ready To Be Lab Literate?

The first time I saw a set of lab results was when a patient brought them in to her appointment.  True.  In spite of the comprehensive training I'd received in nutrition and biochemistry and pathophysiology my undergraduate did not include one single lesson on lab...

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Would you believe January?!

Would you believe January?!

We have been madly working towards our anticipated December 2020 release. We've been in our own little cone of silence, busy editing over 20 hours of videos, putting together resources and extra bonus audios. We're really excited because we're in the process of...

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The Temporal Tap On Thyrogastric Autoimmunity

The Temporal Tap On Thyrogastric Autoimmunity

I love a little temporal lobe tap. Especially the kind patients provide.  This week mine came from a mentee's patient who, while presenting with concerns about possible perimenopause, was found to have radical shifts in her thyroid hormones, largely thanks to a...

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The Year For Iron & Gin

The Year For Iron & Gin

A few things really took up a disproportionate amount of our time & attention in 2020: Zoom, Mask Fashion & Gin based hand sanitiser. On a personal note I need to confess another: Iron. So while my one true (mineral) love remains zinc, iron answer hunting has...

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Priming Your Practice For Mental Health

Priming Your Practice For Mental Health

28 years ago I was in the midst of my own mental health crisis 24 years ago I graduated 20 years ago I dipped my toe into first year uni psychology units 18 years ago I worked in psychoactive medicines with a pharmaceutical company 16 years ago I began combining all...

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The Pathology Path

The Pathology Path

Well, obviously(!)...this has been a year heavy on pathology interpretation for me and the huge number of practitioners who've just spent the last 6 months taking that learning journey with me.  I celebrate and congratulate them all for their commitment to their own...

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What’s A Little Flesh Between Friends?

What’s A Little Flesh Between Friends?

I talk so much about iron, I feel like I'm cheating on my life partner (Zinc)...but these two are arguably the main mineral deficiencies we encounter most consistently in our patients and, don't tell Zn, but quite frankly, in terms of who's more well recognised out...

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Finding Your Path For 2021

Finding Your Path For 2021

In addition to all the lessons we learn from our patients there is an abundance of professional development on offer to facilitate your growth as a clinician.  We offer several (Group Programs, Self-directed Learning Packages, a live MasterCourse &Alumni, Clinic...

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IV Iron To The Rescue?

IV Iron To The Rescue?

When I deliver foundational nutrition training to GPs I talk tough.  It's a tough field, right?  Compared with the relative certainty of pharmaceuticals, their established pharmacokinetics, their sophisticated delivery systems to ensure high bioavailability...trying...

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Boundary Breaches

Boundary Breaches

Well that got tongues talking!  We've cried, and we've laughed, hearing from practitioners about their 'over-delivering donkey experiences' for 2020. We've heard many memorable & relatable tales of either failures to set the best boundaries or even, in instances...

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